Stop using Magic Numbers in your code!

In the software development world, a lurking menace silently creeps into your codebase, making it harder to read, maintain, and extend. This menace is often referred to as magic numbers. This article will help you understand the dangers of magic numbers in code and how to eliminate them for better readability and maintainability.

What Are Magic Numbers? 🤔

Magic numbers are literal numbers (or strings) that are used directly in your code without explanation. They appear out of nowhere, like magic, and often leave other developers—or even your future self—scratching their heads, wondering, "What does this number represent?"

Consider the following example in a JavaScript codebase:

if (status === 1) {
  console.log('Task completed')
} else if (status === 2) {
  console.log('Task in progress')
} else if (status === 3) {
  console.log('New task')

Here, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are magic numbers. While they may make sense now, in a few months or when another developer joins the project, these numbers can become a source of confusion. What does 1 mean? Why is 3 used here?

Why Are Magic Numbers Bad? ⚠️

Magic numbers can lead to several issues:

  1. Lack of Clarity: It's unclear what the numbers represent. Anyone reading the code needs to decipher their meaning, which increases cognitive load.
  2. Hard to Maintain: If the meaning of a number changes, you must search the entire codebase to update it, increasing the risk of introducing bugs.
  3. Poor Readability: The code becomes harder to read and understand, especially for those unfamiliar with it.
  4. Difficult to Refactor: Refactoring code with magic numbers is riskier because the numbers are scattered throughout the codebase.

Real-World Example: To-Do List Application 📝

Let's take a practical example. Imagine you're building a to-do list application where tasks have different statuses: completed, in progress, and new. The statuses are represented by numeric values returned from an API:

  • 1: Completed
  • 2: In Progress
  • 3: New

You might be tempted to write code like this:

function getTaskStatusMessage(status) {
  if (status === 1) {
    return 'Task is completed'
  } else if (status === 2) {
    return 'Task is in progress'
  } else if (status === 3) {
    return 'New task added'

While this works, it's a maintenance nightmare. What happens if the API changes or you decide to add more statuses? What if someone accidentally swaps the numbers? The logic breaks, and debugging becomes painful.

A Better Approach: Use Named Constants 🏷️

A simple yet effective solution is to use named constants instead of magic numbers. This improves readability and makes the code more maintainable. Here's how you can refactor the previous example:

const STATUS_NEW = 3

function getTaskStatusMessage(status) {
  if (status === STATUS_COMPLETED) {
    return 'Task is completed'
  } else if (status === STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) {
    return 'Task is in progress'
  } else if (status === STATUS_NEW) {
    return 'New task added'

By using descriptive constants, the code is much easier to understand. The intent is clear, and if the API changes, you only need to update the constants.

Example: Using Enums 🗂️

In larger applications, it's often useful to group related constants together. While JavaScript doesn't have a native enum type like some other languages, you can simulate an enum using an object.

What is an Enum?
An enum (short for "enumeration") is a data structure that allows you to define a set of named values. These values can represent states, categories, or any other group of related constants. Using enums improves code readability by giving meaningful names to these values rather than relying on arbitrary numbers or strings.

Here’s how you can use an object to create an enum in JavaScript:

const TaskStatus = {
  NEW: 3,

function getTaskStatusMessage(status) {
  switch (status) {
    case TaskStatus.COMPLETED:
      return 'Task is completed'
    case TaskStatus.IN_PROGRESS:
      return 'Task is in progress'
    case TaskStatus.NEW:
      return 'New task added'
      return 'Unknown status'

This approach groups the related constants into a single object (TaskStatus), making your code more organized and easier to maintain. When you need to add or modify statuses, you can do so in one central place, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Other Common Magic Numbers 🎲

Magic numbers aren't limited to task statuses. They can appear in various forms throughout your code, creating similar issues with readability and maintainability. Here are some common examples:

  • Pixel Values: Hardcoding values like margin: 10px without context can lead to inconsistency and difficulty in maintaining UI styles. For instance, instead of directly using 10px, you could define a constant like const DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10; to make your intent clearer.

  • Time Intervals: Using values like setTimeout(fn, 300) without explanation can make it hard to understand why a specific delay is chosen. It’s better to use a named constant like const DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 300; so that the purpose of the delay is clear.

  • Array Indices: Accessing array elements directly with numbers like arr[2] without clarity on what the index represents can be confusing. If the index has significance, consider using a named constant or better yet, restructure your data into an object.

  • HTTP Status Codes: Hardcoding HTTP status codes like 200, 401, or 500 in your code is another example of magic numbers. These codes have specific meanings, such as 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, and 500 for server errors. Instead of using the numbers directly, you can define them as constants:

    const HTTP_STATUS_OK = 200
    if (response.status === HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
      // Handle success
    } else if (response.status === HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) {
      // Handle unauthorized access
    } else if (response.status === HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR) {
      // Handle server error
  • Magic Numbers in Colors: Sometimes, developers use numeric values to represent colors, like #FF0000 for red or #00FF00 for green. If these colors have specific meanings in your application, like indicating errors or success, it's better to use named constants such as const ERROR_COLOR = '#FF0000'; to make your code more descriptive.

  • Game Development: In game development, it's common to see magic numbers representing player speed, gravity, or hit points, such as player.speed = 5;. These values should be replaced with constants like const PLAYER_SPEED = 5; to make the game mechanics more transparent and easier to adjust.

In each of these cases, replacing the magic numbers with named constants makes your code cleaner and more understandable. It also simplifies future maintenance and reduces the chance of introducing errors when the values need to be updated or reused elsewhere in the codebase.

Following Clean Code Practices 🧼

Adopting clean code practices is essential for writing code that is easy to understand, maintain, and extend. When dealing with magic numbers, it's not just about replacing them with constants but also about how you approach naming, organizing, and using these constants in your codebase. Let’s dive into some key clean code principles:

Be Descriptive with Names 📛

Choosing the right names for your constants is crucial. Descriptive names help convey the intent behind the values, making your code more readable. A good name should explain what the value represents and why it’s important.

  • Good Example: const MAX_USER_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 5;
  • Bad Example: const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5;

In the good example, it's clear that the constant is related to user login attempts. In the bad example, the intent is vague and could refer to any type of attempts.

Use Consistent Naming Conventions 🔄

Consistency in naming conventions across your codebase makes your code more predictable and easier to navigate. A common convention is to use uppercase letters with underscores for constants, which distinguishes them from variables.

  • Example: const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300;

This convention signals to other developers (and your future self) that this value is a constant and should not be changed.

Group Related Constants Together 📂

When you have multiple related constants, group them together logically. This can be done within a file, using an object to simulate an enum, or even organizing them into separate modules or files. Grouping helps with code organization and ensures that related constants are easy to find and manage.

  • Example:

    const TaskStatus = {
      COMPLETED: 1,
      IN_PROGRESS: 2,
      NEW: 3,
    const HttpStatus = {
      OK: 200,
      UNAUTHORIZED: 401,
      SERVER_ERROR: 500,

By grouping constants related to task statuses and HTTP statuses separately, you make your code more modular and easier to maintain.

Storing Constants in a Separate File 📁

As your codebase grows, it's often a good idea to store constants in separate files. This practice promotes a clean structure and makes it easier to manage and update constants across your application. For example, you might have a constants.js file where you store all your constants:

// constants.js
export const TaskStatus = {
  NEW: 3,

export const HttpStatus = {
  OK: 200,

// Other related constants...

In your main code files, you can then import these constants as needed:

// main.js
import { TaskStatus, HttpStatus } from './constants'

function getTaskStatusMessage(status) {
  switch (status) {
    case TaskStatus.COMPLETED:
      return 'Task is completed'
    case TaskStatus.IN_PROGRESS:
      return 'Task is in progress'
    case TaskStatus.NEW:
      return 'New task added'
      return 'Unknown status'

This approach has several benefits:

  • Centralized Management: All constants are stored in one place, making it easier to update and maintain them.
  • Improved Readability: Keeping constants separate from your business logic makes the code easier to read and understand.
  • Reuse Across Modules: Constants defined in a separate file can be easily imported and reused across different parts of your application.

Document Your Constants 📄

Even with descriptive names, it's good practice to add comments or documentation for constants, especially if their meaning or usage isn't immediately obvious. This is particularly important in large codebases where the context may not be clear.

  • Example:

    // Maximum number of failed login attempts before locking the account

This comment provides context and helps future developers understand why this constant exists and how it's used.

Keep It DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) 🚫

The DRY principle is crucial in clean code. If you find yourself using the same number in multiple places, define it as a constant and reuse it throughout your codebase. This reduces the risk of errors and makes future changes easier.

  • Good Example:

    const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576 // 1MB in bytes
    function isFileSizeValid(fileSize) {
      return fileSize <= MAX_FILE_SIZE
    function displayMaxFileSize() {
      console.log(`The maximum file size allowed is ${MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes.`)

In this example, the constant MAX_FILE_SIZE is defined once and reused, ensuring consistency across the codebase.

Regularly Review and Refactor 🛠️

As your project evolves, periodically review and refactor your code to eliminate any new magic numbers that may have crept in. This habit ensures that your code remains clean and maintainable over time. Additionally, look for opportunities to improve naming, grouping, and documentation as your understanding of the project deepens.

By following these clean code practices and organizing your constants effectively, you ensure that your code is not only free from the pitfalls of magic numbers but also adheres to standards that promote clarity, consistency, and maintainability. This approach benefits both you and your team, leading to a more robust and understandable codebase.

Conclusion 🎯

Magic numbers may seem harmless, but they can quickly become a liability in your codebase. By replacing them with named constants and following clean code practices, you make your code more readable, maintainable, and future-proof. Your future self—and your colleagues—will thank you!

Stop using magic numbers today and start writing cleaner, more understandable code! 🚀