Async/Await vs Generators in JavaScript

In modern JavaScript development, especially in the context of React applications, handling asynchronous code efficiently and effectively is crucial. While async/await has become the go-to solution for most developers, there are scenarios where generators can offer more control and flexibility. In this article, we will explore the differences between async/await and generators, and demonstrate how generators can be used to manage complex asynchronous workflows.


async/await is a syntactic sugar built on top of promises. It allows asynchronous code to be written in a more synchronous and readable manner.


async function fetchData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('')
    const data = await response.json()
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error)


Generators, defined with function*, are a powerful feature in JavaScript that can be used to pause and resume execution at various points. When combined with promises, generators can manage complex asynchronous workflows.

Syntax Explanation

  • function*: The asterisk (*) syntax is used to define a generator function. It indicates that the function can yield multiple values over time, as opposed to returning a single value.
  • yield: The yield keyword is used inside generator functions to pause the execution and return a value. The execution of the generator can be resumed later from the point where it was paused.


function* generatorFunction() {
  yield fetch('').then((res) => res.json())
  yield fetch('').then((res) => res.json())

const iterator = generatorFunction()
  .value.then((data1) => {
  .then((data2) => {

In this example, the generatorFunction yields promises, allowing the function to pause and wait for the promises to resolve. The calls the generator and returns the yielded promise, which can then be handled with then.

When to Use Generators Over Async/Await

Generators shine in scenarios where you need fine-grained control over the execution flow, such as pausing and resuming based on conditions or user inputs.

Suppose you need to fetch data from multiple APIs sequentially, with the ability to pause and resume the execution based on certain conditions.

Using Generators

// A utility function to handle asynchronous generator execution
function run(generatorFunction) {
  const generatorObject = generatorFunction()

  function handle(result) {
    if (result.done) return Promise.resolve(result.value)

    return Promise.resolve(result.value).then(
      (res) => handle(,
      (err) => handle(generatorObject.throw(err)),

  try {
    return handle(
  } catch (ex) {
    return Promise.reject(ex)

function* fetchSequentialData() {
  try {
    console.log('Fetching data from API 1...')
    const data1 = yield fetch('').then((res) =>
    console.log('Data 1:', data1)

    // Add custom condition to pause execution
    if (data1.shouldPause) {
      console.log('Execution paused. Resume when ready.')
      yield new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) // Simulating user input to resume

    console.log('Fetching data from API 2...')
    const data2 = yield fetch('').then((res) =>
    console.log('Data 2:', data2)

    console.log('Fetching data from API 3...')
    const data3 = yield fetch('').then((res) =>
    console.log('Data 3:', data3)
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error)

// Execute the generator function

In this example, the run function manages the generator's execution, handling promises and errors. The generator function fetchSequentialData fetches data from multiple APIs, with the ability to pause and resume based on conditions.

Comparison to Async/Await

With async/await, achieving the same level of control requires additional logic:

async function fetchSequentialData() {
  try {
    console.log('Fetching data from API 1...')
    const response1 = await fetch('')
    const data1 = await response1.json()
    console.log('Data 1:', data1)

    // Add custom condition to pause execution
    if (data1.shouldPause) {
      console.log('Execution paused. Resume when ready.')
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) // Simulating user input to resume

    console.log('Fetching data from API 2...')
    const response2 = await fetch('')
    const data2 = await response2.json()
    console.log('Data 2:', data2)

    console.log('Fetching data from API 3...')
    const response3 = await fetch('')
    const data3 = await response3.json()
    console.log('Data 3:', data3)
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error)

// Execute the async function


  • Readability:

    • async/await is generally more readable and easier to understand, especially for developers familiar with synchronous code.
  • Complexity:

    • Generators can handle more complex control flows but are harder to read and maintain compared to async/await.
  • Compatibility:

    • async/await is built on top of promises, while generators provide a different mechanism for asynchronous code.
    • Both are supported in modern JavaScript environments, but async/await has more straightforward usage.
  • Performance:

    • Both perform similarly in most cases, but async/await might be slightly more optimized for common asynchronous tasks.


In summary, async/await is the preferred choice for most asynchronous operations due to its simplicity and readability. However, generators offer a powerful alternative when you need fine-grained control over the execution flow. By understanding and leveraging both tools, you can handle a wide range of asynchronous programming challenges in your JavaScript applications.

Feel free to experiment with both approaches and choose the one that best fits your specific use case.